September 14, 2017: ACTTION Presentations at Multiple Meetings

  • Xueya Cai, PhD, ACTTION biostatistician, gave an invited presentation on "Multiple imputation for missing data in analgesic clinical trials using pattern mixture models" at the International Chinese Statistical Association Applied Statistics Symposium (Chicago, June 2017).
  • Shannon Smith, PhD, ACTTION Assistant Director, will present a lecture on "Can we improve respondents' understanding of what should be the basis for pain intensity ratings? Evidence from the ACTTION PROTECCT training system" at the International Society for Quality of Life Research annual meeting (Philadelphia, October 2017).
  • Robert Dworkin, PhD, ACTTION Director, is a member of the planning committee and will present a lecture on "Clinical perspectives on developing therapies to prevent the acute to chronic pain transition" and serve on a panel to evaluate the value of establishing "A US network for pain research" at the National Academy of Medicine-National Institutes of Health workshop on Advancing Therapeutic Development for Pain and Opioid Use Disorders (Washington DC, October 2017). He will also present a lecture on "The view from across the pond: we're going to need a bigger boat" at the Symposium on Clinical Pain Trials in Europe (London, October 2017).
  • Jennifer Gewandter, PhD, ACTTION Assistant Director, will chair the "ACTTION-APS workshop for junior clinical investigators: opportunity to obtain constructive feedback on clinical research proposals" and a symposium on "Mechanism-based approach to clinical trial design in chemotherapy-induced peripheral neuropathy (CIPN)," at which she will present a lecture on "Design considerations for CIPN prevention trials: recommendations from an ACTTION-CONCEPPT consensus meeting."