November 20, 2012: Drs. Basbaum and Dworkin on Charlie Rose Brain Series Pain Episode

On November 20th, Drs. Allan Basbaum (ACTTION Co-Chair) and Robert Dworkin (ACTTION Director) appeared on an episode of the Charlie Rose Brain Series devoted to pain. The show was moderated by Nobel Laureate Eric Kandel, and the panelists included two other pain specialists (Drs. David Borsook and David Julius) as well as a nursing student with complex regional pain syndrome. Dr. Basbaum discussed pathophysiologic mechanisms of inflammatory and neuropathic pain and the mechanisms of action of pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic pain treatments, and Dr. Dworkin discussed the promise of pain phenotypes for targeting treatment to underlying mechanisms and the unmet need for interventions that would prevent the transition from acute to chronic pain. The episode can be viewed here.